Mia: [singing] She told me / A bit of madness is key / to give us new colors to see / Who knows where it will lead us? / And that’s why they need us, / So bring on the rebels / The ripples from pebbles / The painters, and poets, and plays / Here's to the ones who dream / Foolish as they may seem. / Here's to the hearts that ache. / Here's to the mess we make. 1:38:15頃
La La Land (2016) - Audition (The Fools Who Dream) Scene (10/11) | Movieclips
「Audition (The Fools Who Dream)」は、ジャスティン・・・・ハーウィッツによるオリジナル曲。オーディションで何かを語るように言われたミアが、女優を目指すきっかけとなったおばについて歌い上げる。アカデミー歌曲賞にノミネートされた(受賞は「City of Stars」)。
1.Another Day Of Sun
2.Someone In The Crowd