Sebastian: I thought you wanted me to do this, it just sounds like now you don't want me to do it. Mia: What do you mean, I wanted you to do this? Sebastian: This is what you wanted for me. Mia: To be in this band? Sebastian: To be in a band, to have a steady job, you know to be... you know. Mia: Of course, I wanted you to have a steady job so that you could take care of yourself and your life and you could start your club. Sebastian: Yeah, so I'm doing that, so I don't understand like why aren't we celebrating? Mia: Why aren't you starting your club? Sebastian: You said yourself no one wants to go that club. No one wants to go to a club called 'Chicken on a Stick.' Mia: So change the name! Sebastian: Well, no one likes jazz, not even you! Mia: I do like jazz now because of you!
La La Land (2016) - This is Not Your Dream Scene (8/11) | Movieclips
ジャズを聞かせる店を開くことが夢のセブは、店の名前を「チキン・スティック(Chi・・・cken on a Stick)」に決めている。伝説のジャズ・ミュージシャンであるチャーリー・パーカーがチキン好きであることから取られている。だがミアは「チキン・スティック」に反対しており、「セブの店」を意味する「セブズ」を主張。ロゴマーク・・・